
Review of Frances M. Clarke and Rebecca Jo Plant, Of Age: Boy Soldiers and Military Power in the Civil War Era. Civil War History 70:1 (March 2024).

Review of Sylvia Jenkins Cook, Clothed in Meaning: Literature, Labor, and Cotton in Nineteenth-Century America. ALH Online Review Series XVIII (March 2022).

Review of Juliane Braun, Creole Drama: Theatre and Society in Antebellum New Orleans. Theatre Journal 72:1 (Summer 2020).

Review of Poor Queer Studies: Confronting Elitism in the University. By Matt Brim. Radical Teacher Issue 117 (August 2020).

  Review of London in a Box: Englishness and Theatre in Revolutionary America. By Odai Johnson. Early American Literature 54.3 (Fall 2019).

Review of My Butch Career: A Memoir. By Esther Newton. Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics, 3:1-2 (2019).

Review of Childhood and Nineteenth-Century American Theatre: The Work of the Marsh Troupe of Juvenile Actors. By Shauna Vey. Journal of Social History. 49.4 (Summer 2016).

Review of Fantasies of Identification: Disability, Gender, Race. By Ellen Samuels. MELUS: Multiethnic Literature of the US. 41.2 (Summer 2016).

Review of New World Drama: The Performative Commons in the Atlantic World, 1649–1849. By Elizabeth Maddock Dillon and The Captive Stage: Performance and the Proslavery Imagination of the Antebellum North. By Douglas A. Jones, Jr. TDR: The Drama Review 60.1 (Spring 2016).

“Racialized Things” (review of Racial Innocence: Performing American Childhood from Slavery to Civil Rights by Robin Bernstein; Troubling Vision: Performance, Visuality, and Blackness by Nicole R. Fleetwood; Racial Indigestion: Eating Bodies in the Nineteenth Century by Kyla Wazana Tompkins). American Quarterly 64:4 (2012).

“Keeping Secrets” (review of Rhetorical Secrets: Mapping Gay Identity and Queer Resistance in Contemporary America by Davin Allen Grindstaff). GLQ 14:2-3 (2008).

“Here, Queer, and Going Shopping” (review of Business Not Politics: The Making of the Gay Market, by Katherine Sender). GLQ 12.1 (2006).

“Anatomizing Eugenics: Tracing the Legacy of Biology in Public Policy” (review of American Eugenics: Race, Queer Anatomy, and the Science of Nationalism, by Nancy Ordover). GLQ 11 (2005).

Review of In Defiance of the Law: From Anne Hutchinson to Toni Morrison, by Marisa Anne Pagnattaro and Race, Citizenship, and Law in American Literature, by Gregg D. Crane. American Literature 75 (2003).

Review of Novel Gazing: Queer Readings in Fiction, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, ed. And Heroic Desire: Lesbian Identity and Cultural Space, by Sally R. Munt. Signs: A  Journal of  Women in Culture and Society 24.3 (Spring 2001).

“‘So Many Uttering Tongues’: Walt Whitman Multiplied” (review essay of Breaking Bounds: Whitman and American Cultural Studies. Betsy Erkkila and Larry Grossman, eds.) LGSN 24.1 (Spring 1997).

With Kris Franklin, “The Revolution Will Not Be Liberalized” (review essay of Out of the Closets: Voices of Gay Liberation. Karla Jay and Alan Young, eds. and Gay Ideas: Outing and Other Controversies, by Richard D. Mohr) minnesota review  N.S. 40 (Spring/Summer 1993).

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